Han Yang(Student Number,1023230)

This page is going to tell the history and development of Internet.


How the web was born: the story of the world wide web / James Gillies & Robert Cailliau

In 1993, a computer program called mosaic browser transformed the Internet from an academic tool into a telecomm revolution. The World Wide Web is a part of the morden commun landscape with tens of thousands of servers providing information to millions of users. Few people, however, realize that the Web was born at CERN, the Euripean Org. for Nuclear Research in Geneva, Switzerland. It was invented by an Englishman, Tim Berners Lee. This book tells how the idea for the Web came about at CERN, how it was developed and how it was eventually handed over for free for the rest of the world to use. This book also covers the history of computer networking from the 1950s to 1999, as well as interviews with the key players in the story.

A brief history of the future :the origins of the internet / John Naughton

The Internet is the most remarkable thing which human beings have built since the Pyramids. John Naughton writes about how the Internet works, how it came about and the history of the networking. In this book, Naughton also provides a detailed history of each of the characters who could be considered the forefathers of the Internet. Starting with its background in academia and military research, the author knits a number of seperate threads together providing a rich narrative of the Internet which has after all developed very quickly.

The story of the Internet / Stephen Bryant

This book charts the development of an invention that has a more dramatic effect on human communication than any since the telephone. The beginnings of the Internet can be found in the early days of the Cold War. Eisenhower’s America was stunned by the launch of the Russian Sputnik satellite. For the first time the American public felt vulnerable and the administration reacted quickly. In 1958 Eisenhower created ARPA (the Advanced Research Projects Agency), and NASA (the National Aeronautics and Space Administration). America aimed to gain complete technological superiority over the Soviet Union. Bob Taylor at ARPA was quick to realize that time and money could be saved if the huge mainframe computers, found in government departments and universities, could speak to each other. This was ARPA’s first achievement, and in 1969 the first network was created. The first e-mail was sent three years later. The computer remained huge and cumbersome until work by Bill Gates, and later Steve Wozniak of Apple, led to widespread ownership of personal computers in businesses and in the home. The George Bush changed all this by allowing it to be used for private and business purposes in 1992. Central to the way that we use the Internet today was the work of the British scientist Tim Berners-Lee, who created HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) in the early 1990s.

The internet : a historical encyclopedia / Hilary W. Poole &Laura Lamert&Chris Woodford&Christos J. P. Moschovitis

This book Illuminates the reality of worldwide access to information, this expanded three-volume set is a one-stop resource for Internet history, biographies of key figures, and analysis of how the Internet operates. The internet has revolutionized our world—without leaving home we can communicate with people in foreign countries, pay bills. In this book, the author highlights the comprehensive information on the past and present of the Internet world and its culture , coverage of social issues raised by immediate, networked communications and contains material of interest to people who study mass media, gender, business, and social history as well as technology.

Launching into cyberspace: intrenet development and politics in five world regions

In Launching into Cyberspace, Marcus Franda seeks to explore the impact of the Internet on international relations in the early twenty-first century through its development in five unique world regions: Africa, the Middle East, the former Soviet Union with portions of Eurasia, Central and Eastern Europe, and China and India. The relationship between the Internet and international relations has not developed on a worldwide basis . The first volume in this large research related to the advanced IT societies of U.S., Europe, and Japan and two largest nations in Asia— China and India. In this volume, each of which has been much less involved with the international regime for the Internet than those parts of the world covered. Taken together, the portions of the world covered in these first two volumes contain more than 80 percent of the global population.A third volume, comparing the development of Internet use and IT in China and India in the context of their great power rivalry, should be available in 2002. It is hoped that as part of the larger research project, future studies can be devoted to these remaining regions of the world-Latin American and Central American, Southeast Asia and the Remaining sections of East Asia, Australia and New Zealand — not explored in the first three volumes.

Internationalizing the Internet: the co-evolution of influence and technology / Byung-Keun Kim

The Internet system, a global network of computer networks, emerges as one of the core technological regimes in the current information and communication technology revolution. A leading contention in the Information Society debate is that the Internet is becoming increasingly important to societies and economic life because of its powerful potential to change economics, social and cultural systems at both national and global levels. This book aims to provide an alternative history of the development of the Internet and the consequence of it. The author explores the design processes of the Internet system, focusing on the way the different political and economic interests between social groups and countries have shaped the development of the Internet.



The Internet has been around for much longer than most people think, with its roots able to be traced back to the 1960s. This web site will give you an insight into the background and development of the medium. You’ll find information on its rapid growth, the fierce competition generated and the major players involved. Clear goals have driven some, whilst others have become household names almost by accident. Find fascinating facts on a phenomenon that has changed communication to an extent which was previously totally unimaginable.


{{The Internet Society (ISOC) is a nonprofit organisation founded in 1992 to provide leadership in Internet related standards, education and policy. It is dedicated to ensuring the open development, evolution and use of the Internet for the benefit of people throughout the world.

  • Provide leadership in addressing issues that confront the future of the internet
  • Are the organisational home for the groups responsible for Internet infrastructure standards, including the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and the Internet Architecture Board( IAB).
  • Act as a global clearinghouse for International information and education.
  • Facilitate and coordinate Internet-related initiatives around the world.}}


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