(Bibliography Review)
List of references
British Broadcasting Corporation (2005) Annual Report and Accounts: 2004/2005. London: WIA IAA
Gahran, A. (2011) Contentious. Available at: (Accessed: 4 May 2011)
Lafferty, S., Pace-Hinton, L. and Porter, V. (2011) Knight Digital Media Center. Available at: Accessed: 4 May 2011)
Barfield, Lon (2004) Design for New Media: Interaction Design for Mulimedia and the Web. Harlow: Pearson Education
Austin, Tr. and Doust, R. (2007) New Media Design. London: Laurence King Publishing
Ward, M. (2003) Journalism Online. Oxford: Focal Press
Andrejevic, M. (2008) “Watching Television without Pity: The Productivity of Online Fans”, Television & New Media, 9 (1), pp. 24-46. EBSCOhost. [Online] Available at: (Accessed: 2 May 2011)
Priestman, Chris (2002) Web Radio: Radio Production for Internet Steaming. Oxford: Focal Press
Kehily, M. and Swann, J. (edit.) (2003) Children’s Cultural Worlds. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Table of Contents
General approach
1) in the report
"BBC Annual Report and Accounts: 2004/2005" examine the entire scope of activities, correlated to BBC brand in genaral as well as one by one. BBC Internet site is considered to be a very important part of the idea of the union of all BBC media products. Not only the special chapter on the new media comments on the website, but it is cited in the entire content of the book.
2) Broached aspects:
- as a new platform for development of the BBC content and services.
- Remit of the site.
- Projects, significant for their contribution for the values of the media corporation.
- Discussion over the sucsess and development of some of the initiaties and the failer of other.
- A brief response to the independent report of Philip Graf according the BBC’s online services.
- Overlook of some of the major changes, happened as an result of the report.
- Overview of BBCi – remit of the source and information for its two kinds of interactive television services: BBCi 24/7 and BBCi eTV.
- Significant improvements, that alow the auditory to reach easier BBC radio and televition programes.
3) Source evaluation
The report covers not all, but the most important aspects, regarding BBC website. The information is supported by various diagrames, charts and images, that make its perception easier. Considering the year of publication, this source can be useful as regards the development of the site through the past years.
1) New media observation is a blog devoted mainly to the new trends in media and technology spheres. It provides not only news, but also analysis and advices in these two fields. It covers very wide range of topics and is updated regularly. The archive goes back to the November 1999. It is very easy to navigate and all links work properly.
2) The author
Amy Gahran is a journalist, editor, project manager and community manager. She has a great experience in the new media technologies. She works with wide range of companies and organizations, and is involved in different projects. Her work is highly appreciated among her colleagues. Respectively, her blog is considered very trustworthy.
3) Broached aspects
The list is too long to be cited entirely, but here are some of the most relevant to the current research topic blog’s “categories”:
- Media:
- Accuracy
- Audio
- Blogs
- Careers
- Citizen journalism
- Collaboration
- Community
- Content management
- Creativity
- Critical thinking
- Culture
- Data
- Journalism
- Mainstream media
- Media evaluation
- Media literacy
- Networking
- News
- Newspapers
- Net effects on society
- Semantic web
- Social media
- Social networks
- Visual communication
- Writing wikis
- Technical matters:
- Access
- Design
- Links
- Usability
- Other:
- Accountability
- E-mail
- Education
- Environment
- Ethics
- Events
- Forums
- Future
- Innovation
- Labels and metadata
- Language
- Law
1) Navigation trough online media
Knight Digital Media Center is an organization providing training for new media. Its website provides varied information regarding online journalism and media education. It is very practical directed, regularly updated and useful for everyone, interested in new media.
2) The staff:
- Vikki Porter is director of the Knight Digital Media Center and supervises Professional Development Programs for New Media journalists at USC Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism in Los Angeles.
- Lanita Pace-Hinton is the director of Multimedia Training Programs for the Knight Digital Media Center at University of California Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism.
- Sophie Lafferty is program coordinator for the Knight Digital Media Center, headquartered at the USC Annenberg School for Communication in Los Angeles.
3) Broached aspects:
- Journalism:
– Entrepreneurial journalism
– Grassroots journalism
– Journalism education
– Newsroom convergence
- Writing
- Media in general:
– Social media
– Multimedia
– Newspaper blogs
– Online video
– Ethics
– Usability
- Search engine optimization
- Website design
- Discussion boards
4) The blogs incorporates eight blogs in various topics, but all of them are related to media and journalism. The people in charge with the blogs are respectful specialists in their fields and that is why their opinion is trustworthy. The blogs are:
- News Leadership 3.0
- OJR: The Online Journalism Review
- News for Digital Journalists
- Best Practices: Editorial and Commentary Online Blog
- Covering Politics in Cyberspace
- Covering Science in Cyberspace
- Total Community Coverage
- Election '08: Cyber-Watchdogs
New Media Design
1) The principles of designing new media
“Design for New Media” presents the main principles in building new media. The separate elements of the design are seen in the context of their role for the consumer’s perception of the product. The way that they are combined is crucial for the good evaluation of the audience.
2) Broached aspects:
- Overview of new media:
- The interactivity in the new media design
- Designing technology
- The elements of the multimedia product:
- Text
- Layout
- Icons
- Sound
- Colour
- Video and animation
- Interaction as communication:
- Goals, audience and scope analysis
- The impact of different kinds of contexts
- User models
- Feedback
- Structure
- Navigation – definition, the process of navigation, supporting design, main principles, and kinds of links
- Narrative – definition, kinds of narrative in new media, control issues, continuity, stages
- The designing process:
- Generating ideas
- The essence of the “top-down design” and its application
- The “underlying system model” – definition, details, principles of application, examples
- Using metaphors
- Interaction specifications
- Prototypes and demos
3) Source evaluation
The book is designed as a textbook with very clear structure, language style, index and included exercises in it. It also has a website to illustrate in better way its statements. It reveals deep understanding for the fundamental principles in the new media design and allows the reader to evaluate any new media product.
1) The importance of the design for the new media
“New Media Design” embraces every one of the important topics, related to the design of the new media. The authors argue that namely the design and the opportunities that it provides make the difference. That is why it is critically important for everyone who has an interest in this field to understand the logic and mechanisms of interaction between the “old”, the “new” media and the web design.
2) Broached aspects:
- Historical background of new media
- Definitions of new-media terms
- New practices in the fields of web design, photography, computer games, animation and illustration, information visualization, motion graphics, experience design and music graphics
- Navigation, narrative and movement – the characteristics that make new media attractive
- Usability and accessibility
- The process of design
- Design for commercial websites
- Internet – space for social activity, information and commercial
- Characteristics of Internet as a medium
- Core activities on Internet
- The history of computer imaging
- Computer games and avatars
- The concept of cyber space and life
- The career of a new-media designer
3) Source evaluation:
The book not only examines the relationships between all kinds of media and the wed design, but also gives some practical directions. Except for this it contains impressive additional materials such as illustrations, commentaries, charts, diagrams, glossary, index, bibliography and list of useful websites. It is recommendable reading for everyone, who is interested in web design.
Media Online
1) New type of news, new type of presentation, new type of journalism
Mike Ward created a profound guide of the direction that the journalism industry has been developing over the last decade. He examines the mechanism of transformation of the journalism and the relationship between the “new” and the “traditional” media. He also called attention to the practical aspects of the topic such as the process of crating news and their presenting trough websites.
2) Broached aspects:
- Effects of the Internet on journalism
- Differences between the “traditional” and the “online” journalism
- Main characteristics of the online environment
- Basic journalist skills
- Types of news
- Impact of the new media on research and reporting
- Incorporating pictures, video and audio materials
- Writing skills
- Structure problems
- Writing and reading online
- HTML basics
- Fundamental web design directions
3) Source evaluation
“Journalism Online” can be very useful guide for everyone who has decided to practice journalism in the new media environment. Although published almost a decade ago, the combination of analytical and practical approach deserves highly estimation. Some of the described technical features may seem out of date or too simple today, but the overall vision of the news in the virtual environment remains very up-to-date. Besides, list of very interesting web-sites and bibliography can be found after each chapter, as well as charts, illustrations, and index. The book has a direct bearing on the topic for the link between the traditional and the new media.
1) Now the audience forms the television production
“Watching Television without Pity” is a case study devoted to a web site and a TV channel with the same name. It examines the process of building audience community and the impact that this community exercise on the production, as well as the different ways of interaction between the community and the media and within the community itself.
2) Broached aspects:
- Mediated interactivity
- Active viewer ship
- Forms of audience participation
- Problems of accountability and control
- Viewer’s point of view
- Marketing strategies on the web fan sites
- The importance of public forums for posters
- The new types of media consumers
- The online television – 24/7 preoccupation for the viewers
- Technical requirements to the posters
- Responsibilities of the consumers
- Posting efforts as part of the television experience
- Online participation of the TV crew members
- Two types of forums – for fans and for critics
- Online TV – no longer necessary to be watched and still entertaining
- Forums as commercialized viewer research
- New marketing approaches in the interactive environment
- Development of the critical viewing skills and its relation with the programmes development
3) Source evaluation
In his research Mark Andrejevic provides a careful study of the viewers’ behavior, habits and attitudes. Moreover, he explains how these factors influence and change television and marketing strategies. The current article may be in great interest of a online media study.
1) Specific characteristics of the web radio
The main concept, represented in “Web Radio: Radio Production for Internet Steaming”, is that the web radio is not simply another way of streaming. It is entirely new media which provides different approach to different audiences in comparison to the terrestrial radio.
2) Broached aspects
- Technological aspects:
- Kinds of digital radio
- Steaming technology
- Visualization of the web radio
- Law issues:
- Copyright – the established practices and the new digital environment, musical and non-musical copyright, national and international agreements, copyright protection
- The freedom of speech – regulations, problem areas, control mechanisms
- Programming
- Relation with the music industry
- Relation with Internet
- Audiences
- Web as an extension of the terrestrial radio
- Web-only based radio stations
- Ways of promoting
- The program content: music, factual speech, drama, comedy and entertainment
- Audience participation
- Programmes and programming
- Listening habits
- Time and locality
- Building a community
- Similarities and differences between the terrestrial and the web radio
3) Source evaluation
The research examine in depth wide spectrum of topics, related to the web radio, including its relation to the “old” and “new” media. It also contains several case studies, which illustrate how the theory is applied in practice. The book is provided with rich additional information: illustrations, diagrams, glossary, list of useful websites, bibliography, index and list for further reading at the end of each chapter.
1) The impact of the multimedia on childhood
“Children’s Cultural Worlds” is the third of four teaching books about childhood. The book explores wide range of cultural dimensions, but in particular interest is the chapter, dedicated to the role of media in youngsters’ life. The authors argue that the new media “blur” the boundaries between the merely children’s and adult’s spaces. But in the same time the opposite process is in full swing as well.
2) Broached aspects:
- Television as a disclosure of the adult world
- Internet as liberation of children’s world
- Consequences of technological and economic changes in children’s media:
- Extension of choice
- Impact of marketing – integration and convergence
- Increasing accessibility to different media products
- Less control
- Fundamental changes in media texts for children
- Marketing integration
- “trans-media intertextuality”
- Interactivity
- Fragmentation of audiences and desire for interactivity and greater choice as results of technological and economic changes
- Public debate about media unwanted outgrowth on children
- Academic focus on children both as users and meaning-makers
- Children’s definition of childhood
- Case study of the Pokemon phenomenon:
- Children’s “crazes” – corporate manipulation and meaningful side factors
- Diversity of the media coverage of the phenomenon
- Interactivity as a key characteristic of the new media success
3) Source evaluation
The book covers only cursorily Internet and web sites, especially designed for children. That is why it would be much more useful source for more general study in the field of media.