WEB 2.0
1. Exploring Web 2.0 and Libraries http://alatechsource.metapress.com/content/p513w183h736683p/fulltext.pdf Library Technology Reports (2006), Volume: 42, Issue: 4, Publisher: American Library Association, Pages: 8-14.
In this article the author has given an insight of Web 2.0 and its libraries. He says Web 2.0 is so flexible for users that there will be a day where we will create and publish our own information on web. Here author has briefed two Web 2.0 technology in detail Blog and Wiki. He has compared with definitions given by other authors and also has given his own discussion. He says in 2004 the web 2.0 came in to picture and was found on Blog, wikis, tag etc and also gives definition given by O’reilly on web 2.0. After this Wikipedia’s impact on the web is explained is explained, he says it is the second generation service in the world where people share information online. He also says that Web 2.0 is all built on trust and gives an overview of book written by Paul miller, it is summarised by taking key words on web 2.0. Next the author discusses impact of web 2.0 on mainstream; he has presented the impact by presenting the surveys carried over it. Also the author has separate section saying commonalities of Web 2.0, here the common features of web 2.0. Most of its part is explained in glossary.
Finally the impact of web 2.0 on libraries and it characteristics are explained. Author
Web 2.0 is cutting edge for libraries, some of the characteristics are mentioned, they are openness, ease of use, sharing, decentralised, trust and participation. He finally ends the article by introducing next generation libraries, which has much better tools and participation so it essential for user to prepare and adapt to it.
2. Understanding Web 2.0, San Murugesan, It Professional (2007), Volume: 9, Issue: 4, Publisher: IEEE, Pages: 34-41ISSN: 15209202, DOI: 10.1109/MITP.2007.78 ieeexplore.ieee.org
In this article, the authors have tried to explain the concept behind Web2.0. The author has explained how exactly the web 2.0 has emerged i.e. evolution of Web to Web 2.0. All the advantages of Web 2.0 over Web 1.0 and the differences between them are clearly pictured. Overall authors say Web 2.0 is just newer version of the existing Web with improvement which helps the user. Web 2.0 is like umbrella with several new technologies and services emerging out of which few of them author has introduced such as Blogs, RSS, Wikis, Mashups, tags, folksonomy and tag clouds. Mashup are explained in detail as author says it is one of the important Web 2.0 technologies. This discussion is followed by three important development approaches AJAX, Flex and the Google Web Toolkit. The author also focuses on few Web 2.0 development tools for creating Web 2.0 technologies and services. The tools introduced are Blog Software’s (like movable type, word press, blogger), Wiki engine, Mashup tools. The author says all these development tools makes adaptation of web 2.0 easier and cheaper.
Apart from all these the author says web 2.0 applications produce new design to web and development and puts everybody in dilemma and also Addressing the issues and checking the scalability and performance is the major challenge for the IT professionals
3. Web 2.0 in the Enterprise, MSDN Architecture Centre, Journal 12, http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/architecture/bb735306
In this journal the author has presented the web 2.0 at the enterprise level. Web 2.0 has made people life easier on web it has evolved drastically, all information shared has become more dynamic. The journal has six sections:
- Section 1 gives basic definition and characteristics of web two. These characteristics are explained in detail in next sections.
- Section 2 “the Web as a platform”. the author says the web 2.0 uses the web platform and has made enormous impact on with respect to level and experience of the user. Here how software acts a service (SaaS) is explained and following properties has been explained in details:
- Software level as a single device.
- User experience.
- Light programming models.
- Evolution of software life cycle models.
- Section 3 focuses on the sharing of data and content mainly the ability of people to interact with it. The issue of web and the solution given by web 2.0 is clearly presented.
- Section 4 in this section the key element for web 2.0 is discussed i.e social networks, collaboration and community. In the real world social networks make an enormous impact. The collaborations are based on content, group and project. web 2.0 provides all these types.
- Section 5 gives an overview of web 2.0 at enterprise level. The author says the organisations use web 2.0 for two reasons, firstly to improve efficiency and productivity and secondly to improve revenue and customer satisfaction. This section ends by explaining the possible elements to achieve the above two reasons.
- Section 6 gives Web 2.0 impact in Business to community some of the present day examples
In conclusion web 2.0 technique has promising future for the enterprise both internally and externally.
4. Pro Web 2.0 Mashups: remixing data and Web services – Written by: Raymond Yee, Publisher: Apress.
This book gives complete summary of Web 2.0 mashups, which involves by analysing types of technologies and server side languages used. It explains by giving examples how exactly the remixing of data and services is done to form a new service. The book also provides step by step mashup tutorials so that people can build their own ne mashups.
The book is divided into 4 parts and these 4 parts together comprises of 19 chapters.
Part I: Remixing Information without Programming – first part is divided in to 5 chapters. This part introduces the mashup that doesn’t require any programming skills of the user it explain all the remixing information and examples which are explained throughout the book.
- Chapter 1: Learning from Specific Mashups – discusses the mashups in general
- Chapter 2: Uncovering the Mashup Potential of Web Sites
- Chapter 3: Understanding Tagging and Folksonomies
- Chapter 4: Working with Feeds, RSS, and Atom
- Chapter 5: Integrating with Blogs
Part II: Remixing a Single Web Application Using Its API – this part is divided into 3 chapters, these chapters discuss the different APIs and their uses with examples.
- Chapter 6: Learning Web Services APIs Through Flickr
- Chapter 7: Exploring Other Web APIs
- Chapter 8: Learning Ajax/JavaScript Widgets and Their APIs
Part III: Making Mashups – this is very important part of the book. It has four chapters which explains clearly how to create the mashups step by step i.e. discussed in previous two chapters
- Chapter 9: Moving from APIs and Remixable Elements to Mashups
- Chapter 10: Creating Mashups of Several Services
- Chapter 11: Using Tools to Create Mashups
- Chapter 12: Making Your Web Site Mashable
Part IV: Exploring Other Mashup Topics – expands the concept and explains its applications.
- Chapter 13: Remixing Online Maps and 3D Digital Globes
- Chapter 14: Exploring Social Bookmarking and Bibliographic Systems
- Chapter 15: Accessing Online Calendars and Event Aggregators
- Chapter 16: Using Online Storage Services
- Chapter 17: Mashing Up Desktop and Web-Based Office Suites
- Chapter 18: Using Microformats and RDFa As Embeddable Data Formats
- Chapter 19: Integrating Search
Overall the main objective of the book presents the Web 2.0 application in the real world and upcoming applications. The author has given a clear picture and steps as how to develop mashups using new technologies and server side languages, programming is key. The book gives the advantages of Web 2.0 when ever an application is mentioned; to show how exactly is useful for the user.
5. Medicine 2.0: Social Networking, Collaboration, Participation, Apomediation, and Openness , Gunther Eysenbach, Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2008, ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
In this article the author expresses the impact the web 2.0 has offered and helped in development of eHealth. The adaptation web 2.0 has lead to some important health applications like Microsoft HealthVault, Dossia, Google Health etc. All these are collectively called Medicine 2.0 application. This article has seven sections. Firstly the author has introduced JMIR, which is publishing articles from 9 year as how internet and social networking is making an impact on medicine practice. Researching the articles published by JMIR the author depicts 5 major aspects that emerge from web 2.0 and act as tool in health. It is referred as themes and these themes are depicted in a chart the figure below shows the five themes and complete picture how it is interrelated. The emerging themes are social networking, openness, collaboration, apomediation and participation. The author has given a brief description of all the 5 themes. Out of five themes the author says openness is the key theme for web 2.0. so problems with openness must given higher priority and solved. The author also has given the issues with the themes that need to be solved in future.
In nut shell the author says medicine 2.0 applications and tools are web based health service for the consumers which use web 2.0 technology which effectively and specifically use the above five themes to interact with the user groups.
6. Impact of Web 2.0 and Cloud Computing Platform on Software Engineering, Radha Guha, David Al-Dabass, 2010, International Symposium on Electronic System Design, ISSN: 978-0-7695-4294-2/10, ieeexplore.ieee.org.
In this journal the author has analysed how web 2.0 is working on cloud computing background to make impact in software engineering process. Normally the clouds are provided by thirds parties so it is very difficult to interact with them. Most of the developed countries economy depends on type of software quality. The paper has five main sections. The first section gives the literature survey on the key words i.e. cloud computing, software engineering and web 2.0. The author says because of web 2.0 the Software development industry is surviving in this cloud computing era. Section two discusses the challenges that web 2.0 is facing in cloud computing and its impact on software engineering. Section 3 shows the analysis of the impact that is happening in the real world. Section 4 gives the proposed solution for the analysis this classified in 5 phase planning, designing, constructing, testing and deploying.
The author says the cloud computing is next level in software engineering so interaction with private cloud providers becomes very difficult, this difficulty is overcome by the applications of web 2.0.
7. Web 2.0 for Content for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, Tom Franklin, Mark van Harmelen, 2007, http://www.jisc.ac.uk/media/documents/programmes/digitalrepositories/web2-content-learning-and-teaching.pdf
In this paper a brief study of uses of Web 2.0 technologies for learning and teaching in higher education is presented. It shows how exactly the present day institutions and universities are using Web 2.0 technologies. Few examples of universities who have implemented have been explained there are university of Brighton, university of Leeds etc. The authors state that Web 2.0 will drastically affect the universities in all aspects like business, learning, teaching, assessments, industrial interface etc. Web 2.0 technology is very attractive because of it flexibility, collaboration and efficiency. Most of the Uk universities using at course level and institutional level. In this paper the main focus is on content sharing which includes text, video and sound data’s.
Since Web 2.0 is relatively very new technology i.e. emerging technology they are many unsolved problems and issues these are pointed out by the author while explain Web 2.0 in institutional practice section while explaining each university implementation of web 2.0. in later section the authors have made some recommendations to guide and help communities in UK for it current Web 2.0 explorations and adaptations. The author finally says since Web2.0 application in education system is very new or early stages it is recommended for institutions to take this approach very slowly after proper experimentation and related pedagogies.
8. Business impact of Web 2.0 technologies, Stephen J. Andriole, http://0-portal.acm.org.brum.beds.ac.uk/citation.cfm?doid=1859204.1859225
This article presents the impact made by Web 2.0 on present world business. To measure the impact it has taken some real world examples where Web 2.0 is applied like Wikis, blogs, folksonomies, Social networks, RSS filters etc. The research that is presented in this paper comprise of interview results, surveys and observation of data for selected companies mainly in USA and these are judged on following six criteria’s:
- Knowledge Management
- Collaboration
- Innovation
- Training
- Customer relationship
- Rapid application development
The article clearly states the key insights and research objectives Web 2.0. Then this is followed by the judgement of companies on above six criteria’s. From the research and surveys the author interprets that
- Security is the major concern in Web 2.0 technologies.
- Mashup is the powerfull in web 2.0 technology.
- Companies have included Web 2.0 technology in their budgets.
- Web 2.0 are not only operational they are also employee and customer based.
- The growth Web2.0 is so high that the expectations are getting more. This results in emergence of Web3.0 technologies, which will be based on data web (stated by Wikipedia.org).
In conclusion the author says that web 2.0 has major impact on business and is improving drastically day by day, only major concern security which is also quite getting solved. So there is no surprise that adoption of web 2.0 leading Web 3.0