Table of Contents
The impact of the Internet
Is the Internet Changing the Way You Think?: The Net's Impact on Our Minds and Future By John Brockman
Recently years, with the development of the Internet,how is the internet changing the way you thinking about? That is one of the dominant issues which is affecting and will affect almost every aspect of our life. What will happen if you find the 150 smartest people in the world and ask them to answer a single question? Every year does that kind of research. This year's question was "Is the Internet changing the way you think?" and the responses are quite different. Someone said "yes", someone said "no"; some people said it has had positive effects while others said negative.
In introduction, W. Dan Hollis point out the book is the type which is filled with thinking. He quotes a article titled "Hooking Up" written by Tom Wolfe in 1999. The article tells us our world is as same as it ever was. Wolfe indicated the Internet was just a new form that people communicate.
Overall, the book is mainly a response from outstanding people. All those respondents are successful figures including high-level scientists, mathematicians, or business figures. Then he got quite a number of answers, and wound up with an incredibly absorbing collection of essays. However in this book we can not find that how has the Internet changed common people's thinking way such as school teachers,housewives, farmers,community college professors and so on.
However, this book gathered very diverse opinions and the results is a source of great reference value.
The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains By Nicholas Carr
“Is Google making us stupid?” Nicholas Carr asked this question, because he have an anxiety about how the Internet is changing us. And he pointed out a significant problem: are we enjoy the huge network resources at the expense of the ability of reading and thinking independently? We are living in the age of the Internet, this book is an important book in a net-obsessed world. As far as i am concerned, i am in getting upset about the same ideas. The book provides great examples and scientific explanations about memory, brain plasticity, and recent advances in cognitive science. According to the data which Carr gathered shows that the brain has very strong plasticity and can be trained to become better or worse by a proper method. The problem is how can we to reshape the brain without deep reading. Keep analysis independent reading and thinking is more useful rather than just looking for information on the web site. There is no doubt that the Internet provide mass of information and the digital world makes our life much easier,but everything is moving so fast that we have not enough time to think about it. Moreover, the author used some great quotes to prove that the technology,exactly is the Internet,is changing the functionality of our brains. In conclusion,whether you agree with Carr's view or not, this is a book which is interesting and provide another new perspective to think about what the web bring to us and worth to read it.
Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other By Sherry Turkle
This is a amazing book , well written and funny to read it. The author, Sherry Turkle, wrote this book by making mass of original research and combined those research with her own real experiences as role of a mother and a friend. This book is very different from other same type books, many books just to judge and figure out the new technology is good or bad while this book tells us how to take good advantage of technology and the Internet then to make a better life. Sherry Turkle argue that the time and our life style can not come back to the world without technology, and now our lives are almost connected to other people even the whole world by the computer and the cell phones. It is obviously the Internet have changed our life. Some one like new technology and enjoy the life communication with their friend by the Internet such as Faceook , MSN while other still in the favor of original communication way like face to face. Nowadays, we can be in touch with people on the Internet and cell phones everywhere and anytime.This book is seems to be thought about how the technology around us affects our relationships and change our lives. This book is very useful , the language is beautiful and sometimes funny,but always reasonable. People make different choices in their lives,no matter you like technology or not , it is a informative book,both the older and the young people should read it.
The Net Delusion: The Dark Side of Internet Freedom by Evqeny Morozov
This is a powerful book which describe the relationship between the Internet and politics, especially the authoritarian regime. The author Evqeny Morozov grew up in Belarus and living in the United State, maybe this is the reason why he has had advantages to experience the Internet from quite different views and sides. Mr. Morozov starts with the events in Iran to illustrate his argument in this book. There are thousands of young Iranian together in the street to protest against the apparent rigging of the presidential election in June 2009. Western media argued that would not happen without Twitter. The author argued that the internet can be effectively used to maintain the authoritarian regimes. Beside of this, Mr Morozov catalogues many similar examples about the Internet being used with similarly pacifying consequences today, as authoritarian regimes make an implicit deal with their populations: help yourselves to pirated films, silly video clips and online pornography, but stay away from politics.
One chapter of this book which titles and headings such as “Why the KGB wants you to join Facebook” and “Why Kierkegaard Hates Slacktivism” ,it is obviously that Mr Morozov is enjoying his life. Maybe, some people think that there are some boring jokes in this book. Nonetheless, the resulting book is really worth reading. Beside of this,it is also a provocative, enlightening and welcome riposte to the cyber-utopian worldview. Anyway , this is a book worth reading if you are interested in such kind of topics.
What Would Google Do? By Jeff Jarvis
In this book, the author, who named Jeff Jarvis , explains the reasons for Google's great successes from different respects. But if you judge the book from its name, maybe you will think this is a book about Google, but actually, it isn't. Jeff Jarvis translates Google's successful methods of operation into a set of business rules. This book can broaden many people's horizon about how the Internet changed our lives even the world, and how to keep up with the times. The author takes many real life examples in this book, it is very convincing. In the first part of the book is about the successful Rules of Google. For example:
1,Give the people trust and we will use it.
2, your customer is your advertising agency: Let your customers to spread the word for them instead of spends lots in advertising.
3,Join the Open Source, Gift Economy: people like to be generous (such as Wikipedia )
4,Free is a business model: Google can find the way to earn money by offering free services. 5,Make mistakes well: It can be a good thing to make mistakes, but it depends on how you handle them. Corrections enhance credibility. 6, Beware of the cash cow in the coal mine: Cash flow can blind you to the strategic necessity of change, tough decisions and innovations And the final part of the book is about the huge impact of Google on Personal life. This book is well-written, provide many amazing and great business concept which is useful and free.
Life on the Screen: Identity in the Age of the Internet by Sherry Turkle
Sherry Turkle is a sociologist of the Internet and a clinical psychologist, she does a significant work in illustrating the human persona while on line. This book is a serious look at the concept of identity and how to shape the identity on the Internet and through computer mediation. Nowadays, many people think it is not realistic enough to do something on line. In this book she explores both the dark and light side of MUDs(MUDs means multi-user domains ), and why lots individuals chose to live out of realities but in the privacy of Internet chat rooms. Shirley Turkle admitted that there are something faked on the Internet, but she also lay stress on there are something is safe to do on the Internet. For example, you can talk about the most secure things and words about your life and views on line,it is very safe because you are anonymous. Thus, you can do what you want to be like on the Internet. Shirley Turkle captures someone ,who are the user of the Internet and lacking a sense of security,think the Internet is a secure mediun for themselves. Turkle's research findings are useful and she is balanced,insightful, humble and well-read, and provides a useful space for the reader to come to her own insights and epiphanies. Overall, this is a outstanding book but not very difficult to read.
The real impact of Internet advertising by Caroline Cartellieri , Andrew J. Parsons , Varsha Rao , Michael P. Zeisser
In this article, authors tell us the real impact of Internet advertising. In the beginning of the article, it is pointed out that many marketing executives think compare with radio and television, the Internet have not a very important impact on advertising. In face, this is a big misunderstanding. Those kind of marketing executives think the traditional method of advertising promotion is more effective than the new way- through the Internet. The passage has a contrary view. Authors of the article think with the development of technology and the Internet, the impact of Internet advertising will increasing quickly and become the main method in the future. And their caution for marketers is to change mind ahead. They pointed out a number of new elements are reshaping the Internet advertising and because of those elements, tomorrow's advertising will different from today's. The most obviously change is people will see the ads on the computer.
This passage was posted in 1997, all the views they predicted had realized now.
The potential disruptive impact of Internet2 based technologies
C. Pascu, D. Osimo, M. Ulbrich, G. Turlea, J.C. Burgelman
This article is talking about the development of new computing applications which affect the family of digital applications and technologies. These emerging applications and technologies — Internet 2 , provide new method of connecting to the Internet. Their ability can make great impacts on society, thus their existing is very important to society and economic relations. Hence, the term new emerging e-trends with potential disruptive power. This passage makes a research about this topic.At the beginning of the article, the author analysis the available data about the usage growth of these new trend. Moreover, it is pointed out that the different kinds of impact on social and economic. And based on this analysis, the author make predict the trends in the next. At the end of the passage, the author talk about the further research and the requires related to the research.
“The impact of the internet”
This is a comprehensive review because each of the eight pieces of literature examines a very different aspect of the research title. Generally, these eight pieces discuss the impact of the internet with regards to (1) changing how we think (2) the ‘functionality’ of the brain (3) getting an improved quality of life (4) being a tool of authoritarian regimes (5) Google as a business model (6) escape from reality (7) internet advertising (8) new computer applications.
However, whilst all of this is done with real enthusiasm, it might be more useful to select just one or two topics of interest and then concentrate on these in more detail. The chapters and sections that are most useful for the research should then be specifically identified in order to avoid discussing unnecessary issues. Similarly, it may be better to avoid older material (such as that posted by Cartellieri et al in 1997) if the analysis is to be kept relevant to our current situation.
Throughout, a critical analysis needs to be developed so as to avoid bias and achieve a balanced overview of the material. What is considered good and bad from the literature? Care should also be taken with respect to spellings and grammar.
The Internet is really a hot topic. Your research was about the impact of the Internet. And you find 6 books and 2 websites. They are from different aspects respectively.
When I read your wiki, I want to do a research about the dark side of Internet freedom. The author believes that the Internet can be effectively applied to maintain dictatorship. The Internet is a great source of information also becomes home political propaganda, racial discrimination, pornography and other controversial or illegal material. However I think the new technology will bring new crime, as a result, some governments set up special agency to handle cyber crime.
I have more interesting with 4 and 7 two topics. I think The real impact of Internet advertising is a good topic. If I do a research choose the impact of the Internet this topic. I will key research about the dark side of Internet freedom and the real impact of Internet advertising. And I want you can do a research about the ‘Internet Addiction’. Maybe this might be a good advice.